Night Trading

How To Learn and Invest In The Stock Market...
At Night

By Dave Gretta

night trading

  1. the opposite of day trading
  2. the practice of researching, buying and selling stocks at night to make a profit

What do a fulltime day trader, a 30-year investor with an MBA in Finance, and a Wall Street banker have in common? Nothing — except a love and knowledge of investing in stocks. NIGHT TRADING takes some of what I observed from these two divergent investor ideas and synthesizes it with my vast investing knowledge and experience to try to create long-term wealth.

NIGHT TRADING is for the beginning and sophisticated investor. This book is also a primer to educate high school and college students in financial literacy and investing. You will learn time-tested investment methods sprinkled in with new investment trends like SPACs and cryptocurrencies. Other creative investment ideas and approaches will enable you to leverage all the free investment information out there and use it to your advantage. You will learn to invest ‘outside the box’ to take calculated risks while being grounded in proven investment methods.

It is impossible to get lucky consistently in the stock market so you must know what you are doing. When investing in the stock market knowledge is power — and you need to arm yourself with information. I am shocked most of the wealthy people that I know do not understand the stock market or investing in it at all. If you have enough money and want to buy stocks then you MUST diversify — which also means you MUST read this book to understand what you are doing.

With NIGHT TRADING there is no need to quit your day job. Since I’ve gleaned information from ‘the best of the best’ in finance, NIGHT TRADING is the only investment book you will ever need to read.

Buy the Book Now!

There has never been an investment book like this. With 20 chapters packed into a user-friendly 100 pages, this revolutionary book is packed with insider tips, teaching those interested in investing what they really need to know. Author Dave Gretta has 30 years of experience in investing and a wealth of skills set in technology, finance, and accounting—creating a great blend to pick stock and crypto winners. The author tells how he “bought his bank” and made a 100% plus return—then did it again at another bank! The modern universe of investing is covered—from stocks to SPACs to REITs to cryptocurrencies. The author also chronicles in detail his real-life IPO investment in private aviation company Wheels Up. Also, learn how to have the right mental approach to stock market investing and even how sports psychology can factor into picking winners. Night Trading is also a primer for the important topic of financial literacy in the world—buy this book for your high school or college-age child as well. The importance of having a macro and microeconomic view of the stock market is also explored. Learn how to leverage all the free investment information out there and use it to your advantage. Dave will tell you how he made huge returns investing in things that surround him in his daily life—and it’s not the obvious things you would expect! This unique book about learning how to invest in the stock market is worth the price of admission and will be relevant and useful for years to come.

A head shot of Dave Gretta, who is a white man with brown hair, glasses, and a blue collared shirt

About the Author

Dave Gretta

Dave holds an MBA in Financial Management from Pace University in Manhattan and has 30 years of investing experience spanning stocks, bonds, gold, REITs, SPACs, and cryptocurrencies. Dave is currently an information technology and database professional. Dave worked for many years literally ‘across the street’ from Wall Street in lower Manhattan as a financial systems analyst and an accountant. His stock investment approach is one that combines fundamental analysis with the ability to adapt to new and changing investment trends while being strongly grounded in the teachings of Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, and John Bogle. Dave also guest teaches at his boys’ high school a class called Stock Market Investing for Beginners.

Dave is also an environmental advocate, frequently investing in ‘green’ companies and also volunteering his time coaching youth basketball.

Reviews for Night Trading

"Night Trading is full of solid investment advice for anyone who wants a better financial future. I have made it required reading for my high school aged children and recommend it to our employees to foster their financial literacy."
Brett Bacho
President & CEO Kitchen Magic
The leader in kitchen remodeling, serving an 8-state area in the Northeastern U.S.

News About Night Trading

Dave with his son on Wall Street.

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